perfect leather

The Birth of a Lissa Hill Leather Garment

I want to take you on a brief journey of the birth of a Lissa Hill Leather custom garment. The selection of leather, the pattern, cutting and sewing. I have been buying most of  my leather from a supplier ...

measuring boot

Motorcycle Half Chaps: How do I get the correct fit?

I have so many different clients with different styles, sizes and body types. We all have a different shape of leg and calf, I wanted to address the questions about fit and sizing of Motorcycle Half Chaps. How should ...

Lissa Hill Leather Motorcycle Half Chaps: Fashion or Safety?

Fashion or Safety? Why not Both? We are women, we ride motorcycles…we can have it all! I do receive questions often about my half chaps…many people at the Motorcycle Shows have never seen them and are curious as to ...

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