lissa hill's ass class
What is Lissa Hill’s Ass Class™?

Lissa Hill’s Ass Class™ is a fun and informative evening  to educate women on the fit and function of their motorcycle leathers.Ideal for new riders, as well as how to solve the frustrations of fit.What to look for when purchasing and what to avoid. You will have the opportunity to view and try on Lissa’s gorgeous 2012 line of unique and fashionable leathers for women who ride, and to chat with Lissa about your leather desires and concerns. It’s a great chance to meet other women who ride, tons of fun and laughs! This evening has nothing to do with changing your Ass but embracing the one you have and what to wear to look great, feel great and be protected.

You’ll receive an informative guide to take home with you: The Three F’s of a Fine Ass.

Spring Ass Class to be announced soon!

RSVP to be on guest list

132 Peter Street
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 1T8

Please RSVP below, or phone 905-528-4478

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